Saturday, August 22, 2009

SIgh of Relief!

Well my Coggins and Rabies report's came back, I pick up my health certificates in the morning(in a few hours). I booked the trailer, so if dad wants to look up the provider so he knows what kind of trailer to look for when it comes down to the time, it's CornyCreek. I liked his feedback and everything, no truck problems, nice clean big trailer. I'll be sending their grain down with them, Phoenix will have several days worth mixed up for his suppliments(Which I'll wean him down to every other day on). It is just a relief to know now that they are booked. I'll get the finalized details probably done this week, or next week.

And my little babies, their eyes are open and they'll be 7.5 weeks old when we get down to Kentucky, so I may wean them a bit early at 5.5 weeks and start letting them go at 6.5 weeks old. The halves only come from being born in the middle of the week! LOL. There's one in the litter that I'm itching to keep and show myself. From what I can see, there are no visible mis markings on it. If it is as good as it seems, I just raised my own little champion, but the face marking is typically a judges call. I've had some that one judge liked the face, but another said it was too wide. *shruggs* It's a judgement call I guess. I have found two shows within a tolerable driving distance from the Warner's address. I give up to two hours to drive. But they aren't until next spring, One in Louisville and the other is in that direction. I'll look around in the neighboring states once I get settled down with them and make sure they all have traveled well.
Well I'm starting to get excited!
Washington County Fair is also Next week, I'll be going Wednesday morning for the youth Rabbit show, Thursday for the Gymkhana(Watching only!) Friday and Saturday for myself to enjoy, the Draft Horse versatility show is on one of those days, and Mom wants to pick up some maple syrup and 'fair food'.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dutchie pics!

A few of these I wish I had, had to enter into the fair this year.

This lovely lady is Rachel, name namesake for my best friend, I gave her a dwarf that she named after me.
This is Bo, he's my unrecognized colored dutch boy that I wanted to find a good home for.
He's a Blue-steel. Blue's and Steels are both recognized colors but them mixed is not-yet.
Missy Sasha, she's a steel doe, I was laying in the pen with them outside this morning and got the camera out. Silver, Syd, Sasha and Rachel anyway.
I've got a 'job' for tomorrow so I'll have to let you know how that goes! LOL. I'm working part time as a photographer to cover weddings now!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Well nothing going on really

I've actually started to pack up my room and go through things again, 'bout time too. I've been procrastinating long enough I think.
My last litter of babies(most likely) were born today, 8 Tort Dutch babies out of Jules by Colby. Poppy I was requested to bred, but we aren't sure she'll keep her babies with the move, but we're going to try.
No pictures just yet. Jules is a new mommy(WIth a big litter to boot) and I don't want to worry her too much just yet. I jus tmove the fur and check that all 8 are still moving today. Well they won't wean until after I get down to Kentucky so Aunt Lisa will get to see babies! LOL. I'll put them up on craigslist when I get down there. Torts are my favorites, followed by Blue and then Steels. Gray, Black and Chocolates are the last three colors.
Well enough about bunnies, The horses get their rabies, coggins and health certificates done this Friday, I'mnervous, I've never had either one get shots before, Phoenix should be fine, he's had shots before that I know. I know Jazz has had them before, needed them for trailering, but I don't know how she'll stand for them. We wait and find out! I was shocked that Tammy still recognized me, I haven't been into Battenkill Equine since I interned there right after graduation. She was sad to hear that I was leaving, but at least happy that my babies get to go with me. I forgot to mention the rabbits though. :)
Well I'll have pictures up this weekend, and just more plain stuff; besides how the packing in my room is going.