Today was a day off after 3 days of torture in the cooking hole of Nestle.
Today started with going up to check on Heidi, see how the 4 days of Antihistamine has worked, she's started to scab up and heal.
Saturday I actually got a good decent second wind of energy, but apparently it took away my thinking capabilities, and I smacked the cement corner, and since I can't have glass, I keep my doTerra Deep Blue rub with me, and it's kept it from turning really ugly. Though I did have someone at Walmart today tell me there are ways out of an abusive relationship. I wanted to die laughing.
Then after getting home from seeing Heidi, missed my aunt and grandma and didn't want to bother my uncle while he was working, went to Walmart and then came home to Mow the lawn. I barely made it with what gas was in the mower. Dad pulled in right as I was finishing up and he moved Allen's pickup so I could mow where that was sitting.
Then to relax before coming inside, I went out to the barn to put up the bunny food I had just picked up and brush out Drifter.
Her hooves have some good growth and you can see the stress line in them. Apparently Michael has changed his number so I have to find a new good barefoot trimmer.
Then I saw what the kitty has left for me. She loves me . . . It's gross . . .