Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow- and Lots of it

We got lots of snow down here in the 'bluegrass', at least by Kentucky standards.  I've seen nor-easters in NY before but we were ready for it up there. Willow's second snow and for the longest time she loved it, leaping and bounding through the snow since it's above her chest level.
Not so fun to clear it though.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dog Show!

Firstly, No we didn't show.  It was my first time ever being at one and I wanted to see what it was like and to see if it was something Willow and I could do.  Thanks to Aunt Lisa we got it worked out so I could bring Willow as well, see how she did in the environment as well.  She did good, now to just get some more of the training set down and we'd be good.