Saturday, October 18, 2008

Phoenix Has Arrived!!!

Phoenix made the journey with dad and I today(well really it was dad that did all the hard work) but he's here now and I just have to get him a new bite, I forgot to grab his bridle from Kylie. Opps. At least I know what kind of bit he uses.

Here's a picture of him today, once he got to the farm.

Dad's truck had a good work out today. It had a few troubles on the uphills, V6 with high gearing just wasn't made for that kind of hauling. It could do it but it didn't like it. Once I get my truck set up to tow a trailer like that in the spring, my truck will do better cause it's geared lower-as dad told and explained to me.

I took a few pictures for Aunt Cathryn and Aunt Lisa of colorful leaves, hot air balloons and a horse(that one is for Lisa :) )


Cathryn said...

Oh, congratulations Heather!! I know how exciting it is to get a new horse! :-) The colors here are starting to get very pretty as well. It's so nice to actually see the season change, isn't it?!

Marianne said...

Phoenix looks skinny!!! Make sure you fatten him up before it gets to cold!!!

Heather said...

Yeah, i was warned he was a bit underweight. The person that had leased him from Kylie right before i got him ran him everyday and as you know, you really can't work a horse that hard everyday and expect them to hold their weight if you don't change their grain around to suppliment that. and Too cold? ha! He looked at the heavy frost this morning like it was evil and going to eat him- they don't have frost downstate yet.