Friday, December 12, 2008

First Real Winter storm!

We got clobbered today/last night. Ice/sleet/snow/freezing rain. Boy that was a chore to drive in, both to and from work. I didn't slide, first time really taking a rear wheel drive out in the winter weather. The horses all(well all but three bad boys) stayed inside all day; Jazzy, Phoenix, Cami as normal were in, but I also brought in Beauty and Eeyore. Spudley, Jody, and Dakota stayed out. Spudley used to come in but he decided that he was going to kick me because I didn't bring him in before Jazz. He's always gone in last so I got peevved and left his sorry butt outside. I know these pictures are dark. The first really dark one is a tree across the road. It came down about four hours or later after the storm cleared up, the next one I took standing outside the rabbit shed up to the moon. I love the way the ice covered branches and the moon light shown on each other. To think, three days ago it was 50 something degrees and raining I had to take the blankets off the horses so they didn't overheat, and now it's below 35, icing, and snow crap.

I took a few pictures of the horses on those warmer days and this way you can actually see how they're looking.

Naturally, when they go out tomorrow, I'll get pictures of them in the snow for everyone, not to mention the icicles hanging on the barn.


Marianne said...

Every thing is so pretty when it snows!!! I wish it would snow here on Christmas eve so we could have a white christmas. I think mom said the last one was in the 1950's.

Jim Warner said...

We are supposed to get a winter storm tomorrow. I hope I don't have to go in to town!