Friday, March 13, 2009

A long day with no sleep

Magic went to the vets office this morning at 7:30 for an evaluation, she's been having bladder issues. We, as in a breeder, myself and we had mom convinced that it must have been an infection. Weeellllll, it wasn't. Everything came back normal. So I had a blood sample sent out to check for kidney problems and Cushings disease(I think that's what Bob said).

I did realize that I won't sleep without her here. I normally will come home and crash for a few hours on Fridays, but I couldn't crawl into bed, it just didn't feel right. As soon as I picked her up from the vet's office, I had to fight my tiredness. I did lose for a few hours, but I woke up after hour and a half. Magic wanted off the bed, I had her trapped there. For a 14 year old girl, mostly un taught, she's been a sweetie.
Well, I'm going back to bed.

1 comment:

Heather said...

The blood work came back, something in her kidneys was slightly elevated, she's on antibiotics. She'll be retested in a month to see if that fixed the problem. If it didn't then Bob suggested to not go through with the other testings because of her age.