THere's some of the pictures on the wall in my room, Kylie and her horse Liberti in the top right, Kylie in the left picture and then me leading Red with Rachel on him for the first time years ago on the bottom right.
The top of my bookshelf. Yeah, I'm another Twilight junkie, and CSI junkie(those are only the Miami and NY books) The models on top are almost all breyers, the two on the left are not, but they are hand painted for Angel and Joy, two mares I took care of at one time. Then just a random repainted breyer pony Daring Leaper, Hand painted Holy Bull Breyer, Man O'War and then hand painted Starbuck breyer.
My horse ribbons got put up today as well. I got them all at a Fun Show with Jody in hand- he was too young to be under saddle. 1st- Trail(In hand and under saddle were in the same class. He was the only horse to go over the tarp) Second was Find the Flag in hand, second only to Michelle and Starbuck(Who I trained together), and the 6th place was musical cones, I don't run fast enough!!!!

Head of my bed with Sleepy Bun and Snowy. Phoenix and Jazz photo's and One of Cami on the wall.
My bunny ears!! Well Antenna-Bunny ears. I've got both my tassles also hung up, the one on the left is my 2002 Argyle, the right is 2005 Adirondack Community College . A few of my stuffies get to sit on my movie holders.
Well that's what I did today since it was raining and kind of miserable outside. On the plus side, I start work tomorrow afternoon and I figured I won't want to mess with my room once I start working, Mon-Saturday 2-10:40 pm. It's 48 hours but that's okay with me. I get my badge and everything tomorrow when I get to work.
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