Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bunnies and Horse Bath day

Here's little Arthur, he's still so tiny. Good thing, he'll show well. He's 9 weeks old(give or take a few days) and He's already starting his work on sitting in pose for pictures. He's opal, not Blue Otter like I was hoping for, but that's alright.

Spike's the only one I took a picture of out in the x-pen. He was digging holes and getting dirty. Blaze was pestering him.

These little Itty Bitty babies were Born 8/10/2010, Mimzy and Sam. Mimzy's mother, Amita is due this week with a litter also to Sam. Hopefully I can sell them at the show in October that I'm planning on going to, or through Craigslist, if not they'll go in the meat pen. I've found several nice sounding recipies for Rabbit Jerkey that I want to try.

Phoenix taking his munch while he dried. The towel was for his face and I just tossed it over him while Heidi was still getting washed. Oriana nor Jazz came up the hill to see what this was all about so I'll get those two on Wednesday.

Phoenix Drying, Heidi and Aunt Lisa getting wet! I was amazed at how much dirt came off Phoenix. I guess he's rolled a few times more than we think he did.

Jazz just got groomed down and new Fly repellant applied until Wednesday.

Same with Oriana, grooming and more fly repellant.
I think I might have a place to put Oriana, Jazz and Phoenix, then Tessa when she joins the herd. Across the road from my barn, the guy said that the part of the feild is his, but the guy that owns the back part of it is selling out and Mr. Roarke(I know that can't be spelled right) said that if he can, he'd rather see horses up in his feild than the cows that roam the feilds. All he has to do is put up the fence. Plus this way when someone buys the place, they'll know the property line. I've dug a few post holes in my Kentucky Career, I think a few more won't hurt me, I can help him put it up, he's got all the supplies to do it he jsut hasn't had the time. This way I can open up the feild room at Aunt Lisa's and she can move horses and sheep around for grazing. Least that's the theory I've been informed of.

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