Saturday, April 30, 2011

Paris Swap Meet

First off, I'm sorry, I had both camera's with me today and I didn't take a single picture!  I took today off to go to the Paris Swap meet at Tractor Supply and try to sell the last of the bunnies I'm parting with to cut my numbers WAAAAYYYYY back.  I brought an older dutch pair, a velveteen buck, 3 English Spot babies, 4 Mini rex babies and one little mutt rabbit I had rather randomly.  I sold everything but 2 English Spots and 3 Mini rexes.  It wasn't a bad day after all!  I have 4 empty cages and I handed out my business card to a few that are going to come look at the babies in nest box when they are old enough to go.  I'm already hoping I can get to the fall Swap meet and I was told the second Saturday of every month there's a swap meet at the Paris stockyards, so I might start going to that just to start getting rabbits moving some if I can't sell them at shows as JR's or can't get to any more shows due to work. 

As for the horses, I am still trying to figure out what is going on!  Phoenix still isnt' shedding out, I was suggested to try some of the Focus Sr.  So I picked some of that up and started him on it today.  I got over there to feed today, and he's got a lump under his neck, near his chest and a huge scrap on the side of his neck.  WTH?  Goofball old man is really clubbing himself up!  I had to go find Tessy's flymask, she had taken that off.  I pulled it off the bard wire fence in the back corner and put it back on her head.  I think I might go back out this evening and try to take them off for the night and get some salve on Phoenix's neck.  They didn't do anything crazy or durastic during all those severe storms, but now that it's nice outside?  Yeah, beating themselves up.  They've got fly bits all over them, I have to order their fly sheets soon.  I have to measure Tessy first for hers, I know what size Pheonix needs.  Maybe they won't look like huge bug bits.  I tried putting Freedom 45 on them and it seems to not work well- at all on Phoenix and Tessy it doesn't seem to faze her either way.  She's still getting fly bits, but no where near as bad as Phoenix.  Them I can get some pictures of here shortly when I go back outside. 


Miranda said...

Heather try Ultra Boss for the fly's. It can be used on all types of livestock. You just put the dose for their weight down their back and it will last about 2 weeks depending on how much you bathe them. I used it all last summer and only had to use fly spray a few times. TSC should have it the bottle lasts forever. For your horse that isn't shedding maybe it' something medical. Cushings/Insulin resistance can be tested for a treated with a medicine and changes in the feeding program

Heather said...

I'll ask the vet about testing Pheeny for Cushings, I've noticed he's not the only one that hasn't shedded either, Sheri's 8 year old QH mare hasn't either. His summer coat's still coming in, he's itchy so I've been brushing him daily. looks better now that I stopped using the shedding blade and went back to the curry. Vet likes the diet he's on.