Saturday, March 7, 2020

Fence work revisited for the upteen time!

If it wasn't for a few fence leaning horses my fence would have been fine but since I have/had fence leaning horses I have to redo fencing.  
Anyway.  The old auger motor was shot, so dad found and picked up a new one that came with a 6" auger blade(black shiney one).  It also bolted right up to the 8" red one off the old broke down auger.  

So we wanted to test it out, then finished 4 holes and got posts in and concreted in.  

The concrete got a little hard after sitting outside in the dump cart.  Little Herman had to come out and help us get it broke up to be able to mix it up.

Dad and I are tired.  We haven't had to do fence work in a long time.  Hopefully it's a short painless fence repair work.  

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