Sunday, May 3, 2020

Foal has arrived!

All in all it's been a stressful experience.  I am not cut out to raise foals as I see the bad side of the spectrum at work.  I would wake up at night hoping nothing was going wrong, and just overall sleep like crap but now that it is over I hope I can sleep really well and not fret.
 It was a gorgeous day for Heidi to foal out on.  Got up to 80 degrees (little bit too warm) but sunny and dry almost all day.  It wasn't until late in the day did some strong storms roll through and I hadn't had the time to get the cattle panels and tarps to even see if my idea would work to make a canopy for them to get under.  Heidi has been a great momma, super protective of the baby with Tessa, but has let me do what I needed to with the baby.  I am a little worried about Tessa being in there with Heidi and Baby (who does NOT have a name yet) but hopefully they will all settle down soon.  Part of me wants to keep her but in order to do that Tessa would have to find a new home.  So I am not sure yet what is going to happen.  She is rather cute but am I cut out to raise a baby horse?  No idea yet. 

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