Saturday, October 3, 2020

Starting winter prep

Pictures didn't end up in any kind of order I don't think.  But I started to winterize for the horses.  I scrubbed and filled their big 150 gallon water tank, while it was filling I just sat on Heidi and just laid with her and enjoyed it.  

Stormy's legs are now thicker than Tessa's- and By the way- Happy 5 month old birthday Stormy! 

I also braided Stormy's mane.  Mostly to try and train it to lay on the left side of her neck and leave her white markings open.  

I had a couple rubber bands left over on my finger that I had brought out so I started Heidi's as well.

I think it looks kind of cute all braided up.  

For right now I moved the big water tub down closer to the hydrant. so I can start to get some sand/rock and get this fixed up so it's not so 'ankle breaker' treacherous.  

First time I have seen the new boy, Oreo get that close with the old Dutch girls.  

Then got Willow outside for some run around and fun times!  

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