Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Some picture updates

 So I moved in last Friday night, Jess and Allen were over here before I was.  Dad got gravel delivered the other day and Harry came down and spread it. He's going to come back down in a few days to smooth it out some more. Today since Jess and I were both off we hit the kitchen and living room pretty hard to start getting stuff cleaned up and set up into places.  

So yes Allen, we have so much more counter space.  We still have a long ways to go but it's so much better than it was.  The one picture you can see the small display cabinet that has the Stablemate Breyer unicorns that I kept.  Top shelf of the book shelves is Mom, Grandma Kauffman, Fred, the Bunny from Gene Warner, and my little guardian Angel from Connie Richardson. 

Autumn has settled in really well, she's learned the bed is a nice place to sleep, so she does sleep with me, Willow isn't as big a fan though.  Hopefully eventually she will figure it out but Autumn is a pretty good bed hog on her own. 

Dad got our mailbox put in a couple days ago as well, it's way down by Benny's so I have to remember to either pull into Benny's driveway or walk all the way down to it.  Honestly it's so much safer down there, we are on that curve so someone would have taken it out if we had tried to put it closer.  

Still need the numbers for the front though.  Something to help the Mail lady.

And lastly Dad's patch on the tub.  It feels super solid in there.  Water pressure is fantastic and thank to Uncle Jim and his BIL Bill too, we have lovely hot water.  

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Getting Closer!


Not a dog show post!  No more shows until March for me and the girls.  
Anyway, the power is on now, and hopefully by New Years we'll be in.  Hopefully Benny will be over this coming week to hook up the septic, then really we just need internet(which Jess is supposed to call and get moving on Monday) and then gravel on the driveway. 
But I have been working on my bedroom more and more.  Tomorrow afternoon we are going to do soem heavy work on the kitchen/dining/Living rooms to make them more than ready to go.

Plus my desk is moved over, tomorrow Jess is going to hook back up my computer.  Dad has to re-glue the middle drawer track back together, I'll just put that stuff into the box while he works on that drawer.

Our chest freezer has gotten moved over, it's plugged in, running and has our stuff in it!

Got most of my carousel ornaments up on the wall, they are kind of behind my bedroom door and I have plenty more to still go up, including the unicorn ones too.

The girls were chilling out while I worked on my plastic ponies

And Got the TV up and going on the Calvary external harddrive.  Had a movie playing while I worked.  Helped settle the girls and gave me a time frame to work with.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Snow Day

 Promise to not bury this with the dog show from yesterday.  But Last night into this morning was the first snowfall of the season.  While it is pretty, I am not a fan of the cold weather that comes with it. 

Now as for the show yesterday, it was a first time in that particular facility and let's just say it was gorgeous.  Lovely facility.  I know I did not do enough training coming into it but we qualified and even got 4th place out of 7 dogs that qualified.  Very pleased.  Queen City dog training club has a fantastic facility.  I do have to say I love Russel Hornfisher as a judge- he can get some humor going.  Autumn and I were first in the ring and I had calmed and settled myself as we went into the ring.  Autumn lost 3 points in her heeling exercise from jumping up.  In her figure 8 exercise lost 1 point from jumping and 1 point for bumping into my leg.  Last point lost was a crooked sit on her recall.  Was very happy. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Setting up the new bedroom and updates


Dad had gotten most of my shelves put up in my new bedroom for my models and I have started to unpack the others that were not in my bedroom at Dads. 
There's way too many of them!! 
Over the door is my unicorns:

Above the dresser between the windows is my hand painted Thoroughbred Series and the Kenner Grand Champion Draft horses.

These might get re-arranged again, not sure yet but this is the plastic shelves against the wall by my shower.  Top two shelves are hand painted (the Tessa and Heidi were professionally done, the others were done by me) Bottom shelf is some of the others that I have kept and liked, a couple of them might still go into the sale tote.

Two of the shelves above the bed are up.  Top shelf is my Racehorses, bottom shelf has my Indian Pony models, Ranch Gelding and action stock horse foal.  There will be two shelves that go into the corner and up along the bathroom wall but they haven't been in, dad has to cut them a bit shorter than they are now.

I will have to seriously cut more than the tote full that I have already out of that bunch cause I haven't even gotten the My Little Ponies out.  The white shelves in the lower left are also still mostly empty so we shall see. I still have books that have to come out too.  There is going to be a HUGE cut back of stuff that I have in storage still.  Some stuff hasn't been unpacked since it got packed in NY in 2009.

Stormy has been getting forgotten, we got a little while this morning and she still comes running to me.  Just a groom down and talk to her again today.  Still trying to find a new barn to board at as Perry will be leaving the farm after tomorrow while him and his partner fight their legal battle and crap.  Perry said to watch the hay too, as what was cut this year was just junk because they waited too long to cut it.

Willow is back to about 80%, these colder rainy days make her stumble and trip way more since she had the FCE but considering on October 23rd she was lateral and unable to move, and 2 weeks ago she started to walk again.  She's very clumsy jumping like she doesn't know where her legs are and they are not strong.  I need to do better on putting her DDR Prime and Frankincense on her paws.  

The calves and Heidi are enjoying their hang out time.  Ralphie is get big and thick all at once. Rosie is still a few inches taller but Ralphie is almost twice as thick.

Willow is still going to train, slowly, until I get everything back working on her and getting her pain free but Autumn is aiming at the Queen City DTC to get her second leg of Beginner Novice Obedience at the end of the month.  Lisa is going to bring Cassie to get her exposed to that kind of environment.    With hopes all three pups will be showing next spring.  Willow maybe in Novice Obedience or potentially Rally Advanced if I think she can handle the jump.  

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Random picture update.

So no dog show for 2 more weeks but I have to get to work on training.  Today Lisa and I met down at Adena Trails to work with our girls some.  I really got to work on Willow's off leash healing a LOT, but that's partly why she is entered in Rally not Obedience so I can talk to her throughout.  But I think Autumn is pretty solid for Beginner Novice Obedience.  


Stormy has been getting fat and sassy some days, today she just grazed around, last weekend she was all spicey.

Heidi hangs tight with her calves.  I have seen her nose to tail with Rosie and she still hangs around with Ralphie.  One of these days I will bring her saddle over and take her for a ride again but so far I keep forgetting. It's hard when I have 1 saddle that fits both horses. 


Monday, September 2, 2024


 So as per my norm, Dog show Entry!  I entered Autumn only at Bluegrass Classic.  I wanted to finish her Rally Intermediate title.  At least if she NQ'd I would have Greater Louisville in October to fall back on.  The entries were too expensive, so I didn't want to risk Willow NQing as I start her in Rally Advanced, so just Autumn was entered since she had 2 of her Rally Intermediate legs already.  Plus I did want to get into the vendors.  The vendors were highly disappointing as it seemed quite a few were not there yet and there was one that was set up but not even open! Several of the others from class were there.  Including Suza working on her last leg of Rally Intermediate with Petunia.  We both earned our titles and both had a score of 80.  No placements but that green qualifying ribbon was what counted.

First time I have ever froze up in the ring.  I'm not 100% sure why.  I froze up at 2 different signs, had to stop and take a deep breath and keep going.  Not sure if it was because it was so hot in there, or from watching quite a few dogs NQ in the obedience ring or something.  I know after the walk through I told Deb, '$10's I bet Autumn gets jumpy'.  First sign after the start was fast pace.  So work coming to get her to quit jumping at a fast pace.  I still don't know what made me freeze at the two signs.  

But now Autumn's got a lot heavier a training regimen coming up.  I'm toying the idea of entering both at the Greater Louisville show in October.  Willow into Rally Advanced and Autumn into Beginner Novice Obedience.  Autumn has to quit jumping when she gets to a fast pace.  Maybe that's what didn't help in the ring.   Autumn also has to learn she doesn't need to protect me.  So more hard core training days coming.  Going to keep me fairly busy.

Heidi's hanging tough, I am hoping to get out and ride her again under tack soon.  It'll mean bringing her saddle home from Tamarack.

I do enjoy the free time I do take with her and just sit on her while she eats her grain.

8/11 above- 8/19 below

I sat on Stormy again on 8/25.  It was a spur of the moment thing.  I just let her wander herself around in the arena.  Not bad for not really doing much with her since May except grooming.

Stormy made friends with Misty back beginning of August.  Misty seemed to enjoy the company since she wasn't moving around very well.  Though Misty passed away on August 24th, at least she had a friend visit her when I could get her down there.  She was one of Heidi's main buddies while Heidi was there.

Everything there is still such turmoil.  I don't know whats going to happen, or even when but I've gotten to where if another boarder is present- or at least a vehicle I don't recognize, I don't stop.  I am still hating the idea of having to move her but I feel like Tamarack won't be around too much longer, at least not as a boarding facility.  I have been keeping my eyes open for something.