Saturday, June 15, 2024

Dog show!

 I feel like all I do post about is Dog showing right now.  Dad has been doing the updates on the trailer progress.  Soon, I am sure dad is getting excited to get us out so him and Natalie can be by themselves.  Monday I am going with him to go look at a trailer for us and hopefully it will be a good one!  

Anyway, back to my dog showing, this was the last double show we had entered.  I was worried by the end of the week coming into the show as I didn't get anywhere near as much training work into them as I would have liked.  I was comforted at least by the fact Aunt Lisa came with me.  It relaxed me knowing she was there with me.  Missy and Chad with their german shepherds Lotti and Tilly were there showing.  Chad and Tilly was in Intermediate with me, but he only entered one show.  He walked the coarse with me TWICE and we went over each sign and I *STILL* messed up one sign.  At least I was able to correct it with Autumn.  Willow qualified with a score of 87 that got her, her Rally Intermediate Title. Autumn got her first Intermediate leg with a score of 96.  Second trial I was less worried about what Willow did since she already had her title anyway.  Willow did fantastic with a score of 97, Autumn got her second leg with a score of 86.  It was funny, there was 2 perfect scores for 1st and 2nd, then there was me and a Border Collie that scored a 97.  Of coarse time is what decides who gets what place and Willow's legs are substantially shorter than that Border Collies were so he beat us in time.  But that's still a placed.  I was just hoping for qualifying scores.  They were the largest classes I have ever had showing.  Now to start working on Willow's heeling off-leash work, as well as Autumn's.  I'm not sure how far I will be able to take Willow or even Autumn.  It's all new ground for Willow.  

Anyway a quick picture I snapped before going down to video Suza in Trial 2 Novice.  Suza and Petunia got their title in Trial 1 with a perfect score of 100 and a 1st place.  I know she scored 90 in Trial 2, Petunia got a little jumpy just like Autumn had.  It happens, the two are about the same age.  

Hopefully soon we will be able to have a big happy excited post about the new house.  Exiting work coming!