Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Last of the weekend

Well as the long weekend off from work comes to a close, I got the last of a few things done.
Water tub scrubbed, filled and the horses are back across the road 
 Also fixed that fence to boot, raised it up to hopefully keep Heidi off of it.
 I tipped Grace's nest box on it's side to help it stay dryer.  They're not quite big enough to completely lose the nest box. 
And the new wall board in my room.  Late last night I found water on my floor and my window hadn't been open since it rained so we pulled the panel down this morning, and found out the line to the shower head had been loose and when I turned the shower it's self back on dad got a mini shower.  Turned it off, tightened it all back down and we had to put up new drywall since the old piece was now completely soaked.  So time to spackle and paint will be coming up this spring! 

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