Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowy Weekend

Snow dog!  KY got another snow storm- Ode to Joy.  It was coming down so hard and the roads turned to crap quick so Friday I left my car at the clinic.  Thankfully I had already put my truck in the barn.  But it got snowed in.  Willow still loves the snow

So today I ended up bringing Oasis inside.  She hasn't eaten or drank hardly the last few days while it's been so cold.  So I ended up getting her an indoor cage.  Tomorrow I'll grab some news paper from the clinic and maybe a puppy pad or two to help.  

We also, for shits and giggles, put one of Eli's puppy jackets on her to see what she thinks .  Give it a good chuckle for Lisa, I 'clothed' Willow!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
2015 has ended with many changes ahead!  Heidi's at a new boarding barn, Lucky Charm.

We are working with a new bit, a new farm and some new found courage on my part!  Let's rock and rumble 2016!
Willow has gone from a goofball puppy back last January to a decently working dog with pretty good manners.  We titled in Rally Novice and we've got one leg towards Beginner Novice Obedience.  This year my goals are to finish Beginner Novice, and title in Novice Obedience and Rally Advanced and start work on Agility.
I've also been starting to talk to guys, Part of my goal for this year is to start dating again. I know I've said it many times before but this year I really want to.  I don't want to stay single for the rest of my life, just the whole idea of dating scares me.  I've been on and off talking to a single father and I'm hoping as soon as his son is feeling better we can actually meet up for once.  Originally I wanted to wait until after Christmas anyway, but then his son took ill and I've been watching and praying for a healthy recovery for little Peyton so I can get a chance to meet them both!