Thursday, July 4, 2019

Horse baths and New Project

New project first:
Little white, gray heifer calf.  She has 'Joint Ill' and Patrick opened up the infected joints and put drain tubes in them to keep the infection out.  Brought her home this morning and she's settling into the horse's run in.  Horses are NOT amused.  

She will be a resale once we wean her off the bottle, she'll be listed on Craigslist for sale.  
Horses kept running around like lunatics when she would Moo at them. 


So since they were so discombobulated over the calf.  Hot sweaty and gross, they got baths!  So they are semi clean.  At least they are alot cleaner than they were before.  I went out and sat in the backyard while they grazed some afterwards and got some pictures since I don't know when I'll get around to bathing them again.  Willow was having fun being a goof too.  

I had to take some of the empty rabbit cages out of the barn so I could get through to the calf.  Jess will be feeding it during the morning while I am not here, then I will give it, it's supper.  Jess wants to call it Baby.  Whatever, I didn't plan on giving it a name as it's not staying around!  She's just a 'let's see if she'll survive' kind of deal. 

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