Sunday, November 21, 2021

Catching up and winterizing


Snickers went on to her new home November 3rd.  She absolutely loves the kids and I think it was the best placement possible for her. 

^Snicker's new mom's picture not mine^

Tessa also went on to her new long term lease home, with Miss Kelly Beck.  So far from all that I have heard she has settled into her new herd fairly well.  She fits in size wise much better with them.  I just hope she is a good girl for Kelly and does not cause her any trouble.

I winterized the rabbit side of the barn today.  Apparently there was less plastic sheeting on that roll than I thought.  It doesn't even go to the ground and didn't leave me any to do the other door as well.  Oh well I will have to pick up another roll at some point.

Spent a little time out with the 'black n whites' and at least brushed out their mane's and tails today.  They got their first round bale yesterday thanks to Lisa and Dad to help get it out while I was coming back from a Rabbit run.  I had 2 Mini Lops go on to their new homes. 

This is the damage from the roll over night.  I just hope it holds for the full 2 weeks as we have planned.  Though they don't seem to mind the tarp or the hay cradle.  I just wish they wouldn't make such a flipping mess! I will get a new plastic head for my pitchfork and keep it down there so I can keep it cleaned it up some.  

I think Stormy has outgrown the horse size rope halter but for worming today I put the draft horse size and that is still apparently too large. Time to find the warmblood size one.  I have it somewhere!

I am ready for the Thanksgiving break so I can dig some stuff out and mess with the horses some more!  I totally didn't want to wash the horse smell off me today as I have missed it so much.  

And of coarse Willow!  Always

1 comment:

EskimoAlva said...

I have a roll of plastic you could have, but by the time I come back down it will be kind of late.