Saturday, March 19, 2022

Spring coming

My solo Holland Lop bunny, Evie.  She's only a pet in my barn, I am still weaning down on the rabbits and have a few that will go at the show April 2nd! 

The horses have been good. This is roll #7, and hopefully the last roll they are going to get

Heidi, the few times I have gotten on her bareback while she is eating, feels as firm and good as she was before Stormy.
Stormy, as 20 months old I have now been able to put the mounting block next to her, she squared herself up and I have gotten up on it and leaned over her and put some pressure on her back.  She stood stock still.  She's going to be as easy going as Heidi.

Meanwhile, Willow has been healing from her ACL Surgery a month ago, and she has been enjoying her late afternoon snuggles when it's cruddy outside and I curl up to watch a movie in the recliner.

Soon the spoiled lap nap time will end as the weather gets better and better. 

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