Saturday, May 18, 2024

Long Time No Post


Well long time no update.   I entered the girls both in Rally Novice at the Kentuckiana Cluster in March.  Willow does already have her Rally Novice title but it has been 8 years since she was last in the ring. Of the 4 dogs in our class, Willow was first in the ring and Autumn was 3rd dog in the ring.  Jenny was able to take my phone and take pictures and Lisa was my ring-side help and Aussie Auntie.  It did take a good toll on Aunt Lisa but she found she could do it.

Willow qualified and placed 2nd.  Autumn barely qualified and earned a 3rd place.  The dog that was in the ring between my two NQ'd and the 4th dog in the ring was perfect and spot on. 
Autumn was seriously distracted but it was a REALLY big show, especially for a first show.  Willow was not happy with the male judge walking around the ring with us.

I was very proud of my girls.  Willow at least had a couple shows as a guest before I entered her, Autumn did not get so lucky.  We skipped Kanawha in West Virginia in April to give Autumn a little more time to mature.  We are entered in The German Shepherd Club of Greater Cincinnati Rally show this coming Memorial Day Monday.  Autumn has potential to title out but I am unsure Willow will do well as I put her into Intermediate.  We shall see!

At the beginning of my vacation this week I had a mammogram on Monday, and Jess met me on my way home.  She came out to Tamarack with me and I figured it's now or never.  I swung my leg over Stormy's back.  Stormy didn't flinch.  I had Jess feed her a bunch of cookies and walk us around the outdoor arena.  It was a fantastic feeling.

She is so narrow she reminds me of Amber.   I was like 'where's my damn horse?'  I am so used to Heidi's width.  So all in all not much other than some Horse stuff and dog stuff in life.  

Dad has the updates on the trailer and how the progress is going on that.  It's getting exciting.

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