Monday, September 2, 2024


 So as per my norm, Dog show Entry!  I entered Autumn only at Bluegrass Classic.  I wanted to finish her Rally Intermediate title.  At least if she NQ'd I would have Greater Louisville in October to fall back on.  The entries were too expensive, so I didn't want to risk Willow NQing as I start her in Rally Advanced, so just Autumn was entered since she had 2 of her Rally Intermediate legs already.  Plus I did want to get into the vendors.  The vendors were highly disappointing as it seemed quite a few were not there yet and there was one that was set up but not even open! Several of the others from class were there.  Including Suza working on her last leg of Rally Intermediate with Petunia.  We both earned our titles and both had a score of 80.  No placements but that green qualifying ribbon was what counted.

First time I have ever froze up in the ring.  I'm not 100% sure why.  I froze up at 2 different signs, had to stop and take a deep breath and keep going.  Not sure if it was because it was so hot in there, or from watching quite a few dogs NQ in the obedience ring or something.  I know after the walk through I told Deb, '$10's I bet Autumn gets jumpy'.  First sign after the start was fast pace.  So work coming to get her to quit jumping at a fast pace.  I still don't know what made me freeze at the two signs.  

But now Autumn's got a lot heavier a training regimen coming up.  I'm toying the idea of entering both at the Greater Louisville show in October.  Willow into Rally Advanced and Autumn into Beginner Novice Obedience.  Autumn has to quit jumping when she gets to a fast pace.  Maybe that's what didn't help in the ring.   Autumn also has to learn she doesn't need to protect me.  So more hard core training days coming.  Going to keep me fairly busy.

Heidi's hanging tough, I am hoping to get out and ride her again under tack soon.  It'll mean bringing her saddle home from Tamarack.

I do enjoy the free time I do take with her and just sit on her while she eats her grain.

8/11 above- 8/19 below

I sat on Stormy again on 8/25.  It was a spur of the moment thing.  I just let her wander herself around in the arena.  Not bad for not really doing much with her since May except grooming.

Stormy made friends with Misty back beginning of August.  Misty seemed to enjoy the company since she wasn't moving around very well.  Though Misty passed away on August 24th, at least she had a friend visit her when I could get her down there.  She was one of Heidi's main buddies while Heidi was there.

Everything there is still such turmoil.  I don't know whats going to happen, or even when but I've gotten to where if another boarder is present- or at least a vehicle I don't recognize, I don't stop.  I am still hating the idea of having to move her but I feel like Tamarack won't be around too much longer, at least not as a boarding facility.  I have been keeping my eyes open for something.   

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