Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bunny pictures and New saddle!

I had a bunch of the bunnies out in shifts and small groups in the X-pens on Wednesday.  First up was Oriel so I can start to judge temperment on her. 
She's a smart bunny, she understands No quite well.  She was testing her boundaries for a little while to see what she could get away with.  She's a very good doe.

I had Oriel outside by herself I didn't want to push her with someone else yet.  After she went back inside, I had Connie, Natalie, Marcie their mother Keisha, Kylie and her daughter all out there.  I know I have more pictures than this but I only selected a few to post:
Miss Connie:
Keisha with Kylie behind her:
Kylie's little girl that doesn't have a name yet:
Miss Marcie:
Miss Natalie:
Today my saddle for Heidi came in.  It's a Wintec Wide with the 3XL gullet in it- I also have the 1XL and 2 XL gullet bars if she ever gets narrow enough to use them. 
And we rode around a little bit to see what I thought of the saddle- LOVE it!!
I can even re-set my stirrups the saddle balances enough on what withers she has to let me do it:
~Despite the girth being too loose cause I forgotten to tighten before mounting
The video isn't the greatest, but shows we still have plenty or work to do to get her going where she needs to be going.  Also still need to work on getting the stirrups exactly where I need them.
This saddle makes it much easier to hug her. 
New Saddle, New bits is a big success, now to get the extra money to have the Amish guys put a little time on her(and finish the payments on her)  I guess I will have to bit the bullet and do the OT. 

1 comment:

sheltiemom said...

She's looking good and the saddle looks great too!!! Hooray for you!!!