Friday, May 16, 2014

Barn improvements

From where I started to downsize the rabbits, I got a bunch of my rabbit cages empty.  Now to get the cages out of the barn so I don't even consider putting rabbits in them.

The crowbar and I were busy for a few hours today!  Hopefully Sunday afternoon dad can help me move the cages around and put the new legs on the other cages and get everything reorganized and cleaner in the barn!
The other cages have been moved to the other side of the barn and awaiting someone to buy them. Use 'em for rabbits or show banties or something.

It was awesome feeling to get the barn work done.  It was between rain showers.  Now the extra cages are all listed on Craigslist!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow, Heather, that barn looks big now. Good job getting it all cleaned up. I bet that was great exercise. :-)