Saturday, March 6, 2021

Weekly update


Stormy is adjusting to not having Heidi around, and not being able to nurse.  
At least Tractors don't seem to bother her either.  I got to get some good grooming in on both of them today.  Hope to do more tomorrow while it is still nice outside. 

I even scrubbed and filled the water tank.  Though come to think of it, I haven't put the heater back in.  Whoops.  A few more nights of the tank heater and it should be able to come out completely.

Since I got to the barn early I put Heidi in the wash bay to groom her so they could work on the stalls, then decided to hose her legs and wash her tail. 

Her udder is still big and full- still needs time to dry up.  It's only been a week.  Can't wait to see her more dry.

At least her tail looks 1000x better.  Maybe next weekend we'll get a full bath and I'll get her shampoo out and start whitening her legs again.  
Willow had a good romp around outside, and we got her jumps back out for her to play with.  I still find it hard to think she's almost 7 years old.

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