Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finally outside again

Phoenix couldn't have been happier to go outside this morning. A bit confused; he stopped turned and looked at me, I had to actually encourage him to go away from me.

Hoof underside looks really good too. It was a small bruise/abscess. Not that the picture is very good, but it's in the lower left(of the picture) if you can see and determine the contour of the bottom of his hoof.

He's got some good hoof growth going too. Good thing I've got the farrier coming out this weekend. It's still a bit too cold for me to be able to get his feet done myself(and I'm still not fast enough, I'd rather he didn't have to put that much weight onto that foot for me to trim.) It was almost 50 out today so I let them out without blankets too, I don't want them to over heat, blankets are for when it's below freezing.

Cami's been absoluetly a doll, she's stayed inside with him through the whole mess so he wasn't alone. She was also glad to get out this morning. Jazz, I tried with her Saturday morning but she's too high strung to stand in a stall that long- heaven help if she ever gets an abscess.


Marianne said...

Well I am glad he can be outside again. When Jake had that problem it took him a while before he could run witht he other horses.

Heather said...

it was a very small abscess so i kept him in the longest amount of time because of his age, gave him the best opportunity to heal. he's also head horse, jody will sometimes fight him, but not often jody's too young and naive when it comes to fighting for dominence that he looses to phoenix all the time.

Burning Amber said...

He looks good heather! I bet he happy to be out and about again.