Friday, February 27, 2009

Using one to fix another

Well, I went to a liquidation sale last weekend in hopes of find a nice deal on a newer laptop. No go the deals weren't great, so I took some of my tax return and got a new one(Only thing was the Vista that had been holding me back) Vista lost the battle of the wills with me and I'm getting used to it now. I still have the Dell Latitude C610, I'm trying to set it up so we can sell it on Ebay or I might sell it to a friend that doesn't have a computer at all.

the one on the bottom is the Toshiba Satillite, my new one. The top is the old Dell. The hindges on it are going so the top doesn't stay in one spot, it has to basically stay on my chair. We're going to fix those with some from another dead Dell. I've got two new batteries coming in this week so That should bring it back into working order again.

So far so good, waiting on batteries and the hindge replacement.

The horses and bunnies are good. The bunnies: I rebred two holland does, one is due this weekend(hopefully she won't kill these ones) and one due in two weeks and This time I bred Kitty for dutch babies due this weekend. I've got one holland doe that I'm boarding that is also due on Sunday.

It got to almost 50 today, so the horses were out without their blankets again.

As you can see Phoenix has put his weight back on, Most of it I put down to the higher quality of feed he was getting. Since I paid for his feed, I got him the best quality I could. As you can tell from the photo's of him and the one of Cami, you can tell Phoenix has had the better feed. Cami's not putting the weight on that she could have with a different feed. I don't feed the same stuff Gena does. I have Agway Superior, she uses Purina Mills(Senior for both, Phoenix's 24 and Cami's around 27)
Well I shouldn't compare, my two get lots of love, attention and excercise. I don't give her 6 as much, Cami gets the most from me and that's not too much. Oh well, anyway, lots to sleep to catch up on and it's 2 am.


Cathryn said...

Phoenix does look good. It's amazing what some TLC will do, huh?!

Burning Amber said...

Hey phoenix was in good shape when you got him. He was just ridden too much by that idiot rob that I never should have leased him to so he lost some weight. But hes always been healthy

Heather said...

i know he's always been healthy, he was just skinny! he's put on weight like an elephant compared to cami's weight. she's put on next to nothing due to her type of feed versus his type.