Saturday, April 4, 2009

Same old, Same old

Nothing much been going on this week. Work, Sleep, Horses, Rabbits and Magic. But today is the fun and games, tattooing! Mimzy, Robyn, Eddy, Dylan, and Colby are all getting tattooed today, show is in two weeks! I'm bringing my whole arsenal of blue Dutch with me(Sam, Amita, Mimzy, Robyn, and Matt), Colby(maybe, if I have room), Neena for Tort Dutches, Eddy for Mini Rex-I bred his counterpart to him; Skye, Gabriel, Speedle, Dylan, and Calleigh all going for Hollands. It will be a truck full. I'm getting a cap to borrow for my truck so they stay safe and dry for the ride and my truck is going down to Rhinebeck, it's about 2 hours south from here. Since I only go to three shows a year, I try to bring everyone I possible can to them to get points and maybe win a little money. Mimzy and Dylan have a TON of promise, Speedle and Gab stand their ground very well. Matt hopefully will do well, as does Sam. Skye I'm just praying doesn't bit the judge, she has had a reputation for bitting before, but she hasn't bitten a judge-yet.

Dylan, my little broken Sable Buck, he's Calleigh and Speedle's baby.

This is Sam, my all time favorite's are my blue Dutch. I'm getting a pair of Steels eventually, but Blue, Tort and Steel are the three colors that I work primarily with. Dutch also has Chocolate, Gray, and black- which Rachel deals primarily with.

And this is Robyn's baby photo, She's a senior now, but this is her first show. She's an Amita and Larry baby. Larry was sold on, but I wanted to keep his blue lines.

And last, but certainly not least is Mimzy

She's another Amita daughter, but her father is Matt.


Jim Warner said...

The bunnies get tattoos? Is it on their lower back?

Heather said...

Left ears for identification purposes on the show table. It's great when the solid hollands get up there, Gab once showed with 7 other solid Torts and they were hard to tell apart- Gab was the friendliest so i knew which was him. it's fun, poor Dylan and Eddy got blue ink (He's had green and black and neither stuck so I tried Blue) so now i've got blue and black ink on my fingers. Robyn and Mimzy got black ink.

sheltiemom said...

So what you're saying is, no tramp stamps?!!

Heather said...

nope, nothing too fun. up to 5 letters or numbers and they can spell or say anything or mean anything. i'll get pictures at the show. This is the show that started me, Rhinebeck April 15th 2006= my first ever show. I had Blaze, Blaze's solid orange brother DJ and my old broken blue buck Rainie. ahh the memories.

Ezzy said...

yeah, good luck