Saturday, November 8, 2008

Add to the Herd

I met up with Rachel at the auction, she was down getting a goat- she's going to use the goats to keep her rabbits a bit warmer this winter instead of buying a heater and something to fuel it with. I ended up meeting some guy down there, that had to buy back his three rabbits because the meat buyer was going to get them otherwise. I had gone down to see Rachel, Michelle and Cindy, a spot away from our two houses to meet up and just hang out, typically Saturday night is Auction night. I don't go often, sometimes just for the 'junk'. Found some really nice things for dirt cheap. He asked me if I was looking for any, he'd give them to me. I told him I really didn't have room for any, but he was insistant and I ended up bringing his two does home, both Mini Rexes one Blue and one Tort that I called Johanna(Blue) and Gwyneth(Tort). I refused the buck obstinently-I've got a male, a nice pedigreed blue boy. Gweeny and Jo look like decent showable does, so I'll hang onto them as long as I can this winter before rehoming them. So long as I can hold them until spring, I'll show them, if not I'll rehome them with some younger kids that want pets. They've got to share a cage, and I had to put two of my does in a cage together-which I had planned on doing anyway. Kitty(Tort Dutch) and Jolene (Broken Blue Holland Lop) are both old and both having trouble holding weight so I put them together to keep each other warm. If I loose any this winter, then I can seperate Gweeny and Jo.

Had a warm spell so I've had the blankets off the big four legged children, They look dirty cause the ground is soo mushy from all the rain.


Cathryn said...

Yeah, I don't think I would do well at an auction. I think I would "save" too many things! They are pretty bunnies though. Have you gotten to go riding any more? I can't wait to go see my Bahloo again. It was SO hard coming back to Mississippi!

Heather said...

I don't tend to do well at the auction, I had gone and purposely didn't bring any money or my bidding number. But it was an older guy and he just wanted to make sure his grandkids bunnies didn't go to a bad place, so he had stuck around to make sure some kid got 'em. I felt kind of bad, he had seen me looking at them but I never bid. I've been ground excercising Pheeny and Jazz, and Camille(gena's Old mare) because I just haven't had the time to spend on trail riding- Mandatory overtime! :) They are pretty, I love my torts and my blues- that's all I have in Dutch, my Hollands I have a few off those colors but the show stock is all torts and blues(And one black doe that shows). If you want a pet bunny let me know! I'll send one of them down with mom and Dad after Christmas! hehehehe. Though Gweeny I do like, Jo I can't show so I'm going to try and place her, she lost a nail when I was clipping them- and they have to have all of their nails (including the dew claws which is what she lost) when they're on the table.*sigh* Oh well.

Marianne said...

Wow!!! The horses are sooo beautiful!!! Well, not as pretty as Glory, but close. (you know how it is with horse owners and who has the prettiest horse) LOL!!!

sheltiemom said...

Your horses do look good, that's a really good picture of Jasmine. And of course you're both wrong, Heidi is the prettiest of all!! We're going to miss you at Thanksgiving!

Heather said...

No the prettiest horse IS Jasmine! Lol. And most handsome horses are Starbuck(Though passed) and Phoenix.

Cathryn said...

No no no! You guys are all wrong. Bahloo is definitely the prettiest!

Marianne said...

Every one is wrong!!! Glory is the prettiest!!!!!!!!!! (Like i said every hosre owner thinks their own horse is the prettiest!!!)