Saturday, November 22, 2008


Poor Pheeny finally got the twine cut off, Dad had to help me make the clips actually work, so now I've got to get the straps to tighten up so they hold securely. I also got the tag made for his halter-which he now has a nice pretty green one. I put tags on them so that Gena's Grand nieces don't play with my two horses, mostly beceause Jazz has kicked children and Pheeny bites them. I'd rather my horses don't pick up any bad habits if they play with them.

You can see Pheeny's pretty tag, I wouldn't put a purpleish pink heart, so I got a circlular golden tag.

I had to switch over to the floor buckets for water since those are heavy rubber and I can always flip them over and stomp on them to break the water/ice out. I've also turned the heater on for the rabbits, though it's not really warm warm in there, it's around 40 degrees to keep the bottles thawed. Not much else, I'm going to get pictures tomorrow of Jazz and PHeeny(and Pheeny's blanket now that there is no twine holding it on.). and I could post more tomorrow.

Last thing, Dad got another one! Button buck, I had to 'scratch' his head to find the antlers, but this does fill the doe permit(backtags for bucks with 3 inch antlers, anything smaller has to be taken with a doe permit).

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