It snowed for the first time up here, already. Naturally didn't stick, but it was still snow.
I can't wait for the real stuff to actually get here. The sooner it gets here, the sooner it goes and the green can come back.
My truck didn't get to see it, it was in Glens Falls at work and Glens Falls only saw pouring cold rain all night. *sigh* poor truck, it's missing all the fun. Dad's truck sat all night at home, cause dad had the car at work, so at least his truck saw it. I saw alot in the shadowy area's on the ride home, but didn't have my camera with me to take some pictures- sorry.
The horses weren't so amused with the snow, or the heay frosts we've been getting. Phoenix took one look at it the first morning we had the heavy frost and planted his feet, almost refusing to leave his stall.
Hooray for your first snow fall, we had cold but it was back to shorts today! Phoenix just needs for his blood to thicken up! Maybe he thinks there is a lot to be said for a nice warm stable!
We had sleet the other day, does that count? Nothing stuck to the ground but the rain bounced off the windshield.
Nice warm stable? hehehehe, not here! He's just too used to the City weather (he did live down there almost into the city for ten years) He's starting to get used to it, now all we got to do is get it to snow down there for you guys in Kentucky!! It'll be fun watching the horses run through snow, espically the drafts, the poof of snow coming up with the feathering on their feet. . . ahhhh it's soo purdy
and Sleet does too count! it just isn't as fun or as purdy as snow.
We have had a little snow here. Pheeny looks so happy
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