Saturday, December 29, 2012

Heidi likes the rain sheet!

I heard that our weather was taking another ugly plunge and the last time, I was able to put Phoenix in his rain sheet until the weather turned cold and then swap him to his heavy blanket- but Heidi was chilled by the end of it- shaking and shivering. 
So this time, I put Phoenix's rain sheet on her- despite it DEFINENTLY being too small to actually fit her properly.  She much approved of it.  Good thing I ordered her, her own rain sheet in her size that will be here sometime next week!
Apparently standing in the run-in is taboo now at least this kept her dry so as the temps continue to fall throughout the night she'll be dry and can fluff her fuzz up to stay warm.  It's barely buckled in the front and her butt hangs out the back, but Pheonix wears a 78", Heidi's is an 86" that's coming for her, I measured her at 85 inches. 
She wouldn't let me take it off her this morning, she was quite happy with it on.  She'll have to let me take it off when her's gets here though!!

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