Saturday, June 6, 2020

Jennifer's visit!

So first thing this morning I wanted to try to give Stormy another leading lesson.  Haltering was easier than last time but leading.  Let's just say it didn't go so well but found a spot to end on a good note.  

So we got some good scratching down and I left her halter on for the day.  

So Jennifer came for a visit after that and the girls all wanted to ride the horses and play with the bunnies. I didn't get any pictures before lunch, Bryan got those.  Stormy was interested in the girls and I *think* two of them got to touch her. 

Lily loved it when Jennifer let go of Tessa and she was riding on her own!

Jennifer was dying of the heat.  I don't blame her I was too!  Those neoprene boots of mine can rack up some sweat!

Natalie loved riding around on her own as well.  Heidi follows me really well, except when she was getting hot and tired herself!   Neither mare has had anyone on their backs since February so they were super stars for me today! 

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