Sunday, December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas!


Willow and I on Christmas eve: 

The tee shirt I got from my Secret Santa at work, Mason. 

Merry Christmas!  I wore the tee-shirt from Sarah on Christmas

Today I went to see my girls, get their water tub cleaned and filled. I finally did pick them up another bag of grain and a white salt block too.  The White salt I just kept forgetting, plus not completely ready to carry the heavy block into the pasture.  It's not the most carry friendly object.

Stormy is now missing a small section of her mane as it wind knotted and she must have caught it on something and ripped it out.  I baby oiled up Heidi's tail down near her tail bone which is where it normally mats up.  Trying to keep from having to cut that out too.  

Willow had a play date with the Sheltie's today.  Including the new foster Barclay.  She is tired now and snoozing happily 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Nothing much

 Well to start my car up and died Thursday morning on my way to work, thankfully at our end of Donohue road but I have a fishy suspicion it is the fuel pump.  Some gentleman, his 2 Amish workers and his 4x4 towed the car back and dropped it in the driveway.  Friday night I picked up the big trailer on my way home so we could haul my car up to Craigs to get it fixed.  Made the driveway look like a bunch of bad parking at a used car lot. 

I went back through bunnies today and the bunch that are on my cull list for the boys to butcher while they are here.  This little boy keeps miffing me as I really like his body type  but he's a first litter baby and he is a buck.  

Ponies got their new roll of hay today.  They were happy

I really need to get the mineral oil over to her and oil up her mane and get it brushed out.  Then likely have to braid her up again.  I don't want to cut her long gorgeous mane but can't have it getting all wind knotted! 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

First time Saddled!

 Today Stormy wore a saddle for the first time.  It actually went really well.  First I put the warmblood sized rope halter on it- fit really well I think.  Then I put the saddle pad on her and she was like 'okay, whatever' until the wind blew it up onto her head.  But even then she only took a few steps away from me and then turned to look at me, I straightened it up and as quickly as I could put the saddle on her back, she didn't budge. Good baby horse!   Then I did up the girth- tight enough to keep it on her back, but I could get my whole hand under it so it wasn't tight at all.  

Next step will be to start teaching her to give to pressure.  Then the long lines and ground driving.  That's what we are going to do over the next year.  We also will have to get Patrick out to sedate and check for wolf teeth.  

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Random picture update


Just a random of Miss Daisy.  She has a huge dewlap and it works as a pillow for her.

I tried to get a selfie with both girls today.  Didn't work out so well.

Stormy was watching Willow be a nut.

But she will NEED a bath before family arrives for Christmas. 
Enjoy it while you can Wi-Wi! 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Catching up and winterizing


Snickers went on to her new home November 3rd.  She absolutely loves the kids and I think it was the best placement possible for her. 

^Snicker's new mom's picture not mine^

Tessa also went on to her new long term lease home, with Miss Kelly Beck.  So far from all that I have heard she has settled into her new herd fairly well.  She fits in size wise much better with them.  I just hope she is a good girl for Kelly and does not cause her any trouble.

I winterized the rabbit side of the barn today.  Apparently there was less plastic sheeting on that roll than I thought.  It doesn't even go to the ground and didn't leave me any to do the other door as well.  Oh well I will have to pick up another roll at some point.

Spent a little time out with the 'black n whites' and at least brushed out their mane's and tails today.  They got their first round bale yesterday thanks to Lisa and Dad to help get it out while I was coming back from a Rabbit run.  I had 2 Mini Lops go on to their new homes. 

This is the damage from the roll over night.  I just hope it holds for the full 2 weeks as we have planned.  Though they don't seem to mind the tarp or the hay cradle.  I just wish they wouldn't make such a flipping mess! I will get a new plastic head for my pitchfork and keep it down there so I can keep it cleaned it up some.  

I think Stormy has outgrown the horse size rope halter but for worming today I put the draft horse size and that is still apparently too large. Time to find the warmblood size one.  I have it somewhere!

I am ready for the Thanksgiving break so I can dig some stuff out and mess with the horses some more!  I totally didn't want to wash the horse smell off me today as I have missed it so much.  

And of coarse Willow!  Always

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Fur-baby update and Pears!

A Willow and Snickers update!  The two tail-less blue dogs are great together.  Snicks is a little standoffish with other dogs, she's been a little nippy when dogs won't take the hint and back off her.  She's looking and feeling healthier.  Now to just keep her eating her kibble is the joke.

The big girls are good, starting to get a little fluffy for winter despite it's still 80 outside and they are sweating during the day.  

I got a 'few' pears from Aunt Lisa.  She had a few to spare for Jess to make some pear sauce and pear butter.  So I spent a couple hours peeling them so Jess could cut them up and start cooking them down. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Meet Snickers

 Snickers was a nice mini aussie from an Amish puppy mill and was turned over to Heartland Sheltie Rescue.  Jenny and Aunt Lisa told me about her and she came to Boonesboro Animal Clinic to get spayed.  Me being too scared to ask dad, Lisa did, and let me foster her.  She does love Lisa's yard because she's not on a leash there.  

She will not be a foster fail- as that was one stipulation from dad was I do not interfere with the adoption but I get to start teaching her how to be a loving member of the family.  She's walking pretty well on leash.  Still hesitant about going poddy on leash though.  We will work on it!  She is a pretty girl and with Willow the two make a cute pair!