Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Though Uncle Jim did beat me to this, I kidnapped dad's and aunt lisa's pics too!

Somwhere I've got some from where I decided to knock off the western saddle hurting my butt and went bareback. Though I slide around some-her back was sweaty and I haven't been bareback in a long time- I stayed on and we walked around the pasture for a little bit. It was great fun once she decided she was going to listen and that I wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer and I was the leader, not she. We're going to try again tomorrow see if that works better, and we're going to try and hit another tack store to get a smaller girth for the endurance saddle, it should be more comfy and we'll get Aunt Lisa on her tomorrow too, even if it's western.


Marianne said...

Cool!!! Good luck with Bahloo

Burning Amber said...

Heather shes gorgeous! you're lucky that you get to work with her! Pretty girl!! Good luck!