Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Got Dad on today

I got Dad on Bahloo today and my, he agrees with me about the hard saddle and she's a bit easier to ride. Friday I'm going to let Aunt Lisa saddle her and bridle her so she knows how and then we'll get her on Bahloo! Today was dad's turn, and I really learned why you don't wear sweat pants when riding bareback. . . you slide ALOT. But hey, all my jeans were in the washer and I wasn't sitting in that saddle again.
Aunt Lisa almost got on her today, but she couldn't swing over her, Bahloo's a bit tooo tall, so We're going to try a different mounting block on Friday afternoon.


Burning Amber said...

She looks like fun! You should steal her, phoenix and jasmine need a new sister!! lol

Cathryn said...

Hey, wait a minute! No stealing that horse!! Mine, mine, mine! I'll know where to come get her!

Heather said...

I'll take her to NY with me!! She's such a sweetie(nothing against Heidi, she is too)And then I can get dad to come ride with me!! hehehehe. She'd be hard to trailer that far, that's an awfully long ride.