Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Lady

Aunt Lisa and I went to go check out this little mare today. Sherry-Lynn the guy called her-I will change her name. She's the same height as Jazz but way more sturdy built. She's 10 years old, and possibly bred to a Quarter Horse stallion. She's way more pretty in person. I'll probably rename her to Oriana, I've loved that name and so far it's never worked with naming a rabbit that. That and got to stick to the princess theme for names. That's how I had named Jasmine, when Kylie had first taken Jazz on and needed a name. She asked me for ideas of Arabian like names and I thought of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. Oriana is the princess from Felix the cat. The guy had two of her past babies there, and the one little filly was gorgeous and not exactly that tiny either! Her daddy had been a paint and she was a gray paint. Sorry, no pictures, I didn't even think to ask about taking a few pictures. The above picture is the one the guy had on craigslist of the mare.

I am excited, hopefully soon almost all the horses will be mares. I have decided that mares are probably better than geldings at this point. Phoenix is one exception to that rule, but he's old now. Now I'm just blabbering. A guy is coming to look at Bo on Thursday, see if it's something he wants to train(with the help of his granddaughter) to ride and drive. Bo's been going after Jazz, annoying the crap out of Sundown. Thankfully little Arizona has been Jazz's new friend.

Just a random picture of Jazz out when I had first moved her over to the pasture with the mini's.

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