Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Horsie World Update

It was nice enough outside today to remove the heavy blankets off the horses so I put Phoenix lighter fleece blanket on.
Sherralyn doesn't have a blanket but she's so fuzzy. Comes with youth~at least in horses.

Jazz went for a walk down the road with me since it was nice out. I went ahead and polo'd her backlegs since she does have a habit of hitting her own legs and she got her lighter plaid blankie on.

It's easy to tell she got barley any eye sight left. But at least her ears were pricked and she enjoyed sniffing a lot of things, something you'd normally see a dog do.

Put a little video clip on there, you can hear her feeties hit the asphault. Micheal's got them hooves in the right place for strength. It was a humerous minute walking just listening to her hooves hit the ground, very comforting at least for me.

*Hence the reason one day I would love to get another dog to go walking with, less prep, that's for sure!

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