Sunday, January 16, 2011

Decent Day Outside.

I took the baby Velveteen, which I ended up calling Oriana, and her brother Felix, with me to Tractor Supply to go get my foods and get the truck out to run. It was their first time away from home and they seemed to enjoy it. The baby blanket underneath them is the bunny blanket to put down in the cart so they don't have to sit on the hard plastic cart
I took the horses blankets off today so their fur could get some air and I could see what Jazz and Phoenix looked like under neath them. Jazz looks about normal for winter-thin. I haven't figured out the key to getting her to keep weight. Beat Pulp isn't working too well.

Sherralyn's trailer ride isn't going to show up until the 22nd due to the trailer ride. We couldn't confirm a date with the transport until her Coggins came back.

Jazz and Tessa together. Tessa's been staying with Jazz-alot

Phoenix and Tessa will eat together now. He doesn't bother her much anymore, unless food's involved but Phoenix is protective of his food. I Love seeing them together, such a pretty pair of Quarter Horse Look-a-Likes.

This is one picture I took this morning that I *adore* . Now if only I could get Phoenix in there next to them.

1 comment:

Anne said...

As for Jazz's weight, when Jake was having a time with his weight, I got him a supplement from Smart Pak on the web called "Fat Cat". It seemed to help him and its not very expensive. It might be worth a try for her.