Friday, March 23, 2012

Little bits of update

We had several days, other than well above temps, but they were all gorgeous.
With the days so warm, the horses still haven't completely shed off and were getting hot.  
Bahloo fixed that problem for herself.
Heidi will go down into the pond with Bahloo, but she just like to splash through it, drink and eat the underwater grass.
Phoenix stood up on the rim with me, he doesn't like water like that.

My pasture is starting to green up nicely. 
I put the round bale out from Aunt Lisa yesterday, I guess they were hungry.  I know there isn't quite enough green grass for the three of them. 

Though I hadn't expected them to take *that* much out of the bale in one night. 

Now onto Bunnies!!
Juliet on the left with Alex on the right.  She and him had a date today. 

Xena wasn't in the mood for pictures, she's due to Alex in a little over a week.  Let's see what kind of babies Alex throws. 
These are Bree's two offspring that I'm toying with which one I wanted to keep.  I think I might have made my choice via body type. 

These are the daughters of Bree.  The first one has a much better body type- at least when you ask her to sit up nicely.
She's darker, and slightly longer and flat overall.

The girls came up to see me before I headed inside for the night.

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