Saturday, August 9, 2008

New Horse!!!

I got a new horse on Friday, August 8th. Her registered name is Coy Abby Rose, aka Abby. She's registered with the American Paint Horse Association and the Pinto Horse Association of America. I got her for a friend for Jazzy. Her knee is messed up on the front right.

First night I had her outside, I made sure that her legs were wrapped just in case Dakota tried to kick her. But the next morning she moved into the feild with Jazzy, Beauty and Spudley. Abby lacks social skills with other mares right now, but Spudley's teaching her. She likes Spudley but Spudley didn't take too kindly when she tried to beat up Beauty and Jazzy, chased her from the herd and she's asking her way back in, which is a good thing. She's by far the tallest horse out there now, at least 16 hands.

She's two days shy of a year younger than Allen. March 10 1989. She's a bit skinny right now and she's on Glucosamine for her knee and she's moving fairly well. I think I'm going to bring in a corrective shoer for her, I'm under the thought that if she has a little extra on the outside of her hoof, it'll help correct the bowlegged look that she has in her walk. She's certainly a dominate mare, and Jazzy's is very recessive so I think eventually the two will be able to be friends.

Rachel thought it would be amusing to catch pictures of me kissing Abby and kissing Jazzy.

It shows the heigh difference in the mares


Abby's color-her wraps, halter, saddle pads and her buckets will all be in hunter green, whereas Jazzy's are purple (or as close to purple as possible)

I do the wraps myself, it was something that I was taught in school and it's for protection on her legs. Jazzy got kind of got into a tangle with the rams since Gena won't keep them penned up in their own pasture and it rubbed or ripped alot of her fur off of her hind right leg, she was in for a day or so to let it heal up.
The bunnies are all improving, and I just got a chinchilla colored Mini Lop Doe to go with the buck that I got months ago, Floppy.
More pics of Jazzy and Abby to come tomorrow. I've got some nice ones to get off Rachel's camera of Jazzy or Spudley touching noses with Abby.


Ezzyelf said...

She pretty. is she a medicine hat?

Anonymous said...

yes she is! she actually fits the first fly sheet that i bought (well she'll fit it better once she fills out some) so i had to go and buy Jazzy a new one today that fits her beautifully and a new water bucket. She's actually taking very well to being with Spudley and Jazzy now, she's learning-slowly how to deal with other mares. i think it'll work out well.

Marianne said...

That is a very pretty horse.

sheltiemom said...

Congratulations on your new horse! You have to take a picture of her without her sheet so we can see her color. And pictures of your bunnies. Where is the bunny show down here?

Cathryn said...

Your new horse is pretty! congrats! Now you'll need a two horse trailer when you move! Wait, better make it a three horse trailer and then you'll have somewhere to stack the bunnies too! :-)