Monday, December 22, 2008

Horsie ppics

The three were very happy to be back inside tonight. They couldn't stay in last night because the water pipe had frozen and I couldn't get them water. I pulled their blankets off for some grooming.


Cathryn said...

I would have liked some of your snow! The bit that we got melted right away and it doesn't look like there will be a white Christmas in Kentucky this year either. Maybe next year....

Heather said...

With the white stuff comes the really cold temps though. We were -10 this morning when I had to go out and feed the horses and rabbits. Even with the heater for the rabbits, the bottom row of cages, their water bottles froze and are in front of the wood stove, as I type, to thaw out.

Marianne said...

Come on now don't steal all the snow send the snow clouds here!!!

sheltiemom said...

We were in the single digits yesterday. I had to wait for the faucet to melt, so I could turn it on and get water for the horses. Thank goodness for the tank de-icer. What a cool invention!

Heather said...

Share the snow ladies! Plenty to go around, in some fo the drifted spots at the barn, it's at my waist, but for the most part just to my knees. And, it's supposed to snow that whole week dad's gone so I get to snowblow(first time using this tractor and snowblower- yippie!)I'm sure we'll have enough to share.

Jim Warner said...

Can you take some more pictures of those stalls? I need some ideas to build ours. The sides look like the metal stall units but I'd like to see how they are fastened to the posts. Thanks!

Heather said...

I can take some tomorrow, i'll leave them on the camera. i would only reccomend them (as in for Sundown for foaling) if you board in the bottom where the foal get get it's leg caught. the adult, full sized horses are fine with it, but the mini and a foal could much more easily get caught. I have used plywood and simple wire to close in the bottom row before. If i forget to leave the pictures(or take them even) just have dad remind me when he gets home.

Heather said...

thinking of the stalls, naturally i forgot to take pics of them for you, but they're the portable round pen panels, with the ends sawed off and fastened into wood corners so they don't move.
If you go to and look under Gates, the American Farmland Gate Tube 10 x 1 5/8 is the side panels to our stalls and the small door is the doorways to them. I'll try to remember to get pictures of all three stalls (They're all slightly different due to where they are.) Pheeny's is kick board on three sides, Jazz's is kick board on two and Cami's is only the rough cut kick wall on one side due to where they are in the barn. I might also have older shots from when the barn was first built that I'll get up on photobucket and email you down the link