Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ride TIme! Lots to update

Well, as I have now learned where the transmission is and the fact that it was a rebuilt inside it's old caseing(typical R&R) I didn't bother to climb under the truck and take a picture of it. But, I did get two bumper stickers to go with my 'Good Thoughts' sticker.

This morning was my first ride on Phoenix, I went up to Walker's and got his bit yesterday, he rides in a Kimberwick(Kylie thinks he might settle down and his mouth may soften for a D-ring eventually) We were out for about 45 minutes, walk trot(mostly) and a short canter. Boy my legs felt kind of like Jello. I haven't ridden for a while. Michelle came with me, taking Jasmine out. Phoenix is already Coggins'd for the fair next year, but I have to get Jasmine done in the spring so Michelle can take her to the fair, they could fairly well together at the Gymkhana, she's got the spunk.

We know the saddle that Michelle is using is too small for her, but she forgot her own and She used what was available. Next weekend she's going to bring her's which fits Jazz just like it fits Red (Rachel's gelding that she has ridden as well.)

As for bunny pics, I got a few, naturally, of the babies :) They are getting bigger, couple more weeks until they get weaned and then sold. *sniff* I'll miss that little Holland buck baby, he's just soo friendly. One buck, one doe Hollands (The grayish baby with the black mommy is the boy, the other is a female baby), the dutch, I've been through them, and I've left myself enough room to keep at least one female from that litter, if not two. Since I sold their dad and I have two other Blue males I want to keep two of them so I have three females that are not related to the two males.

There actually is six dutch babies, you can only see five of them, since one was playing on top of mommy Amita. Skye is such a strong mother, she keeps her kids in line so well and all of her children have always been so well behaved, That's probably one of the reasons I like her so much. She may not be the friendliest rabbit, but she has good mothering skills and she does show fairly well.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I like the cowboy sticker!!! The bunnies are soo cute!!!