Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lotsa babies and pictures

 These are Smokie's Mini Rex babies, the little pink tummy's mean Otters!!!  They were born 3-16, full litter of 6 kindled.  4 Otters, 2 blues by my best guess.

 7 English Spots born 3-17!  I don't see any showable marked babies, but oh well.  I shall see if they come out Lilac like their dad or blue like their mom.

Sophie pulling fur, yeah I know, not the most interesting video.  She should have babies tonight/tomorrow.  It's always interesting to watch the doe's pull fur, knowing what's coming.

 Tessy's my favorite Photo subject. 
 Very purdy picture.  One of Rachel's off her camera while she was here.
 From Sunday, she didn't look TOOO messy. 
 Another one of Rachel's shots.  I LOVE this picture, absolutely perfect to me.  I just Love this picture and I had to share it.
 Phoenix from today after his hoovies were done.  He's still a gross mud pig.
 He had been clean this morning . . .
Closer shot.  I had to get a few of the old man in there too. 

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