Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shoes and Braids

This is one of the sunflowers growing next to my barn, It was big and beautiful so I finally broke down and took a picture of it.  Look at the couple of honey bees on it!
 I braided up Phoenix's mane before Ryan got there to try and keep his neck a little bit cooler.  He doesn't have enough forelock to braid that too.
 Back feet, all nice and shoed:
 Front feet Shoed:
 This is what his hoof looks like when you pick it up.  It's just a standard size 2 shoe with a 1/4 inch thick peice of leather just to pad his hoof.  He's going to get special shoes next time to try adn get his hoof growing in the right directions.
 After I got Phoenix back in the fence, I braided Tessa down as well, she *does* have enough forelock for that to be braided.
 Dad mowed their feild during this time.  It looks awesome! 

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