Sunday, July 3, 2011

Trip to Hazard . . . And Sheri's

I saw and ad on Craigslist for English Lops and I know Cin breeds and shows them along with English Spots, so we inquired and 2 bucks, 1 doe pedigreed all for $50.  For NY'ers that's dirt cheap, even if they're only brood stock and never make it back to the show table for Cin.  So Rae and I took the drive down to Hazard to pick them up. 
BTW- there's a spot that all GPS'(including dad's Garmin) screw up and send you in circles, it was a good thing we left early, meet time was 2 pm, we got there 2:08.

 This is the Ruby Eyed White doe.  We didn't measure her ears but somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 inches from tip to tip.
 This is the broken Opal buck, he was by far the largest of the three, we did a quick measure which isn't perfectly acurate, but it's a round about.  Tip to tip was 23.25 inches, width of the ear was 5.5 inches. 

The broken Sable Point's solo picture came out blurry, but his size comparison picture with my velveteen Lop buck came out clean and clear.  My tort Velveteen Buck has 15 inch long ears(tip to tip) and he weights 5.84 pounds, he's not even half the size of this buck.  

So by the time we got home, besides being sunburned on the arms hanging out the windows, we took a short nap since we were both tired, and then ventured over to Sheri's for a couple Lion Heads for Rachel. 

Me and Sheri with Rachel's two lion heads. 

The little one on the left is a broken lilac tort buck, and the other is a broken black doe.  So fluffy!!!!!

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